At YLMS we offer six instrumental courses. Check out each one below!
Jazz 1
Jazz 1 is a group of musicians selected through an audition process to participate in the exploration of jazz music, funk and Latin, with performances and festivals year-round!

Jazz 2
Jazz II is an optional class that meets outside the curricular school day. The course is intended to raise interest in this art form, and form the next year's Jazz I band.
Performing Band
Marching is part of this district's musical DNA. The Performing Band (advanced) is a marching band in Fall, and a concert band in the Spring.
The Percussions class is the Performing Band's percussion section. There is a heightened focus on pulse, mallet fundamentals, and drumline cadence performances.

Intermediate Band
Intermediate Band, open to 6th - 8th grade students, focuses on music fundamentals and technique, ensemble skills, music notation, music listening, and an introduction to marching band.

Intermediate Orchestra
Intermediate Orchestra, open to 6th - 8th grade students, focuses on music fundamentals and technique, ensemble skills, music notation, music listening, and performance through standard repertoire and folk music.

Advanced Orchestra
The Advanced Orchestra is a high-achieving ensemble with a busy performance schedule, including participation in concerts, clinics, festivals and concerts during & outside the school day.